09 setembro 2007

micah p. hinson, 'the day texas sank to the bottom of the sea'

here's all that i have to give
i'll admit it's not a lot,
but it's all that i've got
to hang myself with,
to hang myself with,
in hopes that you'll take notice of me
i've been waiting so long
up in these trees
trying to hang myself with
thoughts of you
thoughts of me
i've been wishing so long, why can't you see?


Blogger ana salomé said...

ferida acesa. as árvores podiam arder se ouvissem isto.


domingo, setembro 09, 2007 6:59:00 da tarde  
Blogger R. said...

Fabuloso!...e foste tu que me deste a conhecer,há tempos atrás :)
beijinhos gi

segunda-feira, setembro 10, 2007 1:33:00 da manhã  
Blogger lebredoarrozal said...

raios, a dor pode ser tão bonita:|

segunda-feira, setembro 10, 2007 11:42:00 da tarde  

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